Clinician screening & employment
- Nomad takes pride and full responsibility for the screening of clinical staff to ensure the highest quality talent works with our clients. Assessing the qualifications and competencies of our clinical staff enhances the quality of patient care delivered by the staff we place. Nomad confirms the credentials of all candidates match requirements for the job as determined by the Client, ensuring clinical staff have the necessary work experience, licensure, skills, references, certifications for the job, and meet all regulatory requirements and guidelines.
- Nomad evaluates the competency of the clinical staff and ensures credentials for all clinical staff are complete and maintained throughout employment as agreed to with our Clients.
- Nomad directly employs all of the clinical staff we place at our Clients as agreed to in our agreements with Clients.
- In the event Nomad elects to utilize subcontractors, Nomad will provide Clients with advance written notice.
- All clinical staff are educated and expected to strictly comply with Nomad’s Confidentiality and HIPAA policies which are made available to them in their Employee Handbook and as part of their orientation.
- Nomad will orient all clinical staff on our employment policies and procedures to acquaint clinical staff with Nomad. Clinical staff are expected to familiarize themselves with all provided policies and comply with them during their employment.
Client & facility requirements
- The hiring facility and/or Client enumerates the specific requirements, responsibilities and type of work to be performed by clinical staff, as well as the level of competency required. These clinical competencies and qualifications are communicated by Nomad to clinical staff.
- The hiring facility and/or Client make the final hiring decisions about candidates submitted by Nomad.
- The hiring facility and/or Client provide clinical staff with the necessary and appropriate orientation, clinical practice supervision, education, information, training, and safety equipment for their placement.
- The hiring facility and/or Client determine how to communicate errors, incidents, and occupational safety hazards to Nomad and its clinical staff.
Incident reporting & resolution
- Nomad takes complaints received by Clients and clinical staff very seriously. We take full responsibility for the tracking and resolution of any incident or concern raised by a Client, facility, or clinical staff member.
- Nomad’s Incident Policy was created to provide staff and Clients with a clear and fair process for reporting incidents, collect and document all complaint information in a systematic way, and deeply understand all complaints and their root cause to implement changes and possibly mitigate the issue in the future.
- Nomad uses the information and data gathered to identify opportunities for reducing safety risks to patients and staff and improve Nomad’s operations to ensure higher satisfaction by nurses and customers. Nomad will make available any data and/or information to facilities, Clients, regulatory bodies, and/or the Joint Commission as needed.
Floating Policy
- Nomad only places clinical staff in units of practice within scope of their license, registration, certification, and clinical competence. If a clinical staff member is asked to float to another unit in a Client facility, the unit must be comparable to the unit stated in their Employment Agreement unless the nurse has previously demonstrated competence with appropriate credentials. Nurses should never float outside of scope of practice. Orientation to the unit where Nurse is floated will be provided by the facility.
Conflicts of Interest
- Nomad is committed to integrity as the fundamental guiding principle for all of the actions taken by our employees and any others who act on our behalf. Nomad’s commitment to integrity is a vital component of our mission to deliver exceptional healthcare staffing services.
- Nomad expects employees to place the interests of Nomad, patients, and our clients ahead of any other individual business or commercial interest they may have, avoid situations in which a conflict of interest could arise and disclose any potential conflict of interest they may have regarding their responsibilities to Nomad and remove the conflict.
- Nomad expects each employee to recognize and avoid activities and relationships that involve or might appear to involve conflicts of interest, and to avoid behavior that may compromise Nomad’s or the Employee’s integrity.
Emergency management
- In the case of an emergency, Nomad will notify all staff and Clients as deemed necessary. Clinical staff and Client contact information is stored and always accessible through cloud-based software services, Nomad’s internal CRM, and/or personal computers or cell phones.
- A copy of Nomad’s Emergency Management Plan is available upon request.
Nomad Health’s business hours are 9:00 am - 6:00 pm EST Monday through Friday. Our website and communications platform remains available to Clients and clinical staff at all times. Nomad Health can be contacted by emailing or calling 866-656-6623.
In the event that any party is dissatisfied with the level of service or quality of care, they may contact their dedicated Nomad Health representative at any time to resolve the issue. Nomad Health is committed to resolving all reported issues in a timely manner. At any point, issues may be escalated to the appropriate management representative by contacting or 866-656-6623. Nomad Health will make all reasonable efforts to promptly resolve issues or complaints with all parties.